Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.
The First American Woman CEO
The 2018 film The Post tells the story of attempts by journalists to publish the Report of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Vietnam Task Force’s report, now colloquially known as the Pentagon Papers. One of the film’s main characters, played by Meryl Streep, was Katharine Graham. Katharine Graham began working at the Post in 1938 as a beat reporter. Her father, Eugene Meyer, was the publisher of the paper, who, upon retirement, handed over the newspaper to Philip Graham, his son-in-law, and Katharine’s husband. Upon Philip’s death in 1963, Katharine assumed leadership of the Post and stepped into the role of company President and Publisher. Expectations of her were extremely low, as you might imagine, given the time. Publishing and journalism were male-dominated fields, and Katharine feared that she was unsuited for the job….
Save Us from the Mansplaining
Mansplaining is alive and well and can be seen everywhere, from the driving range to X (formerly Twitter). Every woman has endured mansplaining at some point. It’s as if these men just can’t help themselves or restrain their mouths. The portmanteau describes the act of a man’s unsolicited explaining, generally to a woman, something he thinks he knows more about than she does — occasionally at anesthetizing length — whether he knows anything or not….
Are You Asking the Right Questions?
Much of the career advice out there focuses on interview preparation for candidates, specifically on how best to formulate answers to typical questions. But just as important—maybe even more important—are your questions during the interview….
Ten Pioneering American Women You Have Never Heard About
Founded in 1910 by feminist Clara Zetkin, International Women’s Day is a day to recognize women’s contributions to industry and society and their work outside of the home. Many women who have impacted American history are well known, such as Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Sojourner Truth. However, too many pioneering women have been left out of the conversation for too long.
How well do you know the history of women’s contributions in the US? Are any of these names familiar?….
Is Your Team Quietly Screaming? Unmasking the Abilene Paradox in Your Workplace
We hear and engage in fallacies every day. They often form the keystones of our arguments. These logical fallacies are leaps of logic that lead us to an unsupported conclusion. People may unintentionally commit a logical fallacy due to poor reasoning or intentionally to manipulate others. Common logical fallacies include the red herring, ad hominem, causation/correlation, straw man, and the anecdotal evidence fallacy. However, there is one particularly insidious fallacy that we want to take extra care to avoid, and that is the one known as the Abilene Paradox….
Quantify to Qualify: Leveraging Metrics to Make Your Resume Stand Out
There is truth in that tired business adage that “what gets measured gets done.” If you want to stand out among the crowd, you must ensure that you include metrics on your resume. The average amount of time spent “reading” a resume is a disheartening 7.2 seconds. That’s right—when a recruiter looks at your resume, she scans it for keywords and superstar accomplishments. If you want to grab the recruiter’s attention, adding metrics to your resume is one way to do so quickly….
Signs that It May Be Time to Move On
Dread going to work? Worried you’re going to lose your job? Feeling burned out or left out at the office? How do you know when the trouble is just a little blip you’ll soon get past, or when it’s time to dust off your resume and start perusing job postings? Check out these signs that you might want to consider leaving your job….
How to Resign with Dignity, Grace, and Professionalism
Most of my advice to job seekers centers on the broad topic of searching for and securing a new role. But just as it is important to approach your job search with professionalism, it is also critical that you resign from your current role in a dignified and diplomatic manner. You may not think resigning needs a strategy behind it, but it most assuredly does. Considering that your resignation will impact your brand, you want to think carefully and act mindfully when resigning….
Mastering the Art of Resume Writing: Tips to Craft Your Winning Personal Brand
You find yourself in a position to craft a resume or update an existing resume. This can be a daunting challenge for many people. So much resume advice floats around out there, and so much is outdated, outdated, or simply flawed. I’ve worked with thousands of clients across a myriad of industries, and I’m going to share with you my top 10 tips for effectively and efficiently writing a winning resume….
Uncovering the Hidden Job Market
It is a known fact that searching for a job online is not a good use of a job seeker’s time. To track down the most job leads — leading to the most interview and job offer opportunities — job-seekers must go beyond online job boards and search engines and attack the hidden job market. As much as 80 percent of all job openings are filled through (direct and indirect) referrals, not through job postings….