
Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.

Job Search Strategies Debra Wheatman Job Search Strategies Debra Wheatman

Myths about Using Executive Recruiters

Some of my best friends and colleagues are outstanding recruiters. If you are currently looking for a job, there are a few things you need to know about what recruiters can and cannot do for you.  One of the most common misconceptions is that recruiters help people find jobs. While it is true that recruiters…

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Job Search Strategies, Resume Help Debra Wheatman Job Search Strategies, Resume Help Debra Wheatman

Is your resume hard to read?

Are you extremely talented? Have you worked at start-ups or smaller firms where you have worn multiple hats? Do you have a diverse skills set?  Believe it or not, depending upon how you position yourself, these could be liabilities rather than assets when searching for a new career opportunity. Shocking, but true!Sometimes, if you aren’t…

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