Delay Job Search for Job Market Recovery?

True, the economy is not at its high point, not even close; but that doesn’t mean it is all doom and gloom.  It just means that perhaps it is time to dig in your heels and take a more realistic approach to your situation.

It has been my experience that job seekers who take the statistics to heart and follow the jobless reports too closely, set themselves up for psychological torment and a sense of hopelessness.  Whether you are unemployed or want to change jobs, don’t let fear scare you away. After being turned down for job after job, it can really take a toll on your self esteem.  Shut the TV off, stop watching the news about the unemployment numbers, and start promoting yourself.  Take steps to package yourself as attractively as possible.  

If you are unemployed, think of creative ways to use your time and give your résumé an extra punch.  Let hiring managers know you haven’t been sitting at home licking your wounds. If you are currently employed, these strategies can work for you as well.

  • Consider possible part-time volunteer activities that still allow enough time to mount a strong career search campaign. 
  • Choose organizations that are relevant and can add value to your experience.
  • Participate in online courses or undertake a self study program if you can’t afford formal training. 

Use some of the more proactive strategies to land a job. Don’t take the same approach as others by simply applying online to postings.  Most jobs are actually never posted on job boards or websites.  Instead, decide what jobs you can realistically attain and go after those.  Even if they aren’t in your previous salary range, it may make sense for you to swallow your pride and consider new alternatives, particularly if you have been unemployed for a while.

  • Let your fingers do the walking and open up the Yellow Pages or, if you are internet savvy, use the online SuperPages. 
  • Evaluate companies in your geographic region. There may be jobs available that are not advertised. 
  • Make a list and send a well written, error free résumé with cover letter via multiple avenues. 
  • Go back to traditional US Postal Mail (aka snail mail) to get yourself noticed when email becomes a black hole.

Network, network, network!!  Oh, and did I say network.  Use social media resources like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to connect with former coworkers and colleagues.  Your connections just might know someone who would be interested in your skills. 

Participate in discussion groups and add your input.  Do whatever it takes to get your name out there and make people aware that you are a potential asset.  Adopt an attitude of optimism; let go of fear and move forward. No matter what the current odds, people are getting new jobs every day and you can be one of them!

Please check out these blog posts that are joining mine in supporting Job Action Day 2010:

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Resume Help - Experience Section Format


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