Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.

Random List of Dumb Things I Recently Heard About
This week has been chaotic for me. You know how it is when things don’t go as expected—it can be harrowing. We all find comfort in standard regularity, in its many forms. Despite the twists and turns that the week threw at me, I am able to take solace in the comfort that somethings remain constant. For example, stupid things that range from absurd to entertaining to bizarre….

Black Lives Matter in the Workplace, too.
I’m sure you’ve noticed the ubiquitous statements against racial inequality in recent days. Such statements are being issued by public organizations, educational and nonprofit institutions, and for-profit companies….

Horrifying Stories from the Workplace
I hear stories. Many stories. Stories about interviews, about workplace culture, about coworkers. These stories range from absurd, to amusing, to flat-out horrifying. I wanted to share with you four such stories that belong in the “horrifying” category….

Viral poetry for odd times
This quarantine,
This quarantine,
I do not like this quarantine.
Is your governor being mean? ….

Coping with grief in the workplace
The workplace is, above all, a social construct, and with it comes all of the nuances of the human experience. We rejoice with our coworkers, we celebrate their successes, and we also grieve with and for them. Grief is a continuum, not a finite process, and it cannot be “managed.” It is personal, unique, and disruptive. And every single person …

Lessons of 2019
As we begin not only a new year but also a new decade, I’d like to share with you the top lessons for job seekers from 2019. As you know, I talk to a lot of people in my work as a career coach, and this is what I’ve gleaned from those conversations. Please…
Know Your Audience
Your high school English teacher taught you several valuable things: how to write a five-paragraph essay, how to discern meaning from complex texts, and the importance of knowing your audience. This last part—the part about knowing your audience – is critical when you’re writing a resume, giving a presentation, developing a marketing strategy, or…
Investing in training is an investment in your business
The people who make up a company are the face of that organization. Far too often, only members of the executive team receive formal training to ensure that they convey the core values. The rest of the rank and file will wing it when asked about the company’s mission and culture. Most employees are…
Sexist Comments—Your Submissions
I recently asked my social media followers to tell me about times in which they encountered or were the recipients of sexist language and comments in the workplace. As suspected, the archaic sentiments surrounding gender roles and stereotypes are alive and well. Here is a sample of the feedback I received. Shortly after graduating…
The worst answers to common interview questions
Interviewing can be a harrowing experience for candidates, but fortunately, most hiring managers and recruiters will give people a pass on being nervous. What is unforgivable, however, is coming to an interview totally and completely unprepared. If you’re planning on winging it or faking it until you make it, you run the risk of being…