Viral poetry for odd times


This quarantine,

This quarantine,

I do not like this quarantine.

Is your governor being mean? 

Yes! He won’t let me go out and be seen!

I cannot go about in my car.

I cannot go out to the bar.

I cannot sit down at a café to eat. 

I cannot shop for new shoes for my feet.

I might have to cut and color my own hair,

And that will be awful. It’s just not fair!

My boss wants to see me at 9 AM on Zoom,

I do not wish to participate in such gloom. 

I cannot focus on the task at hand

As the doom spreads across the land.

EPS? In the tank. 

Un-showered coworkers are surely rank!

Endless conference calls fill my days.

Is there an end? I am in a haze.

Can you hear me now? Can you see my screen? 

Another meeting? I must grab lunch in between.

Businesses shuttered.

The house? Cluttered!

Kids are loud. Connections are poor.

Dogs bark. Who could ask for more?

But I am healthy and at home

And even though I’m attached to my phone

I can breathe and I can smile.

(Where did I save that last Excel file?)

A few weeks or months to protect us all

Better to be alive and well than in hospital.

Better to be inconvenienced than ill or dead

Or to sacrifice loved ones in the name of financial dread.

This quarantine,

This quarantine, 

I still do not like this quarantine.

But maybe it’s not nearly as bad as it seems…


Spring clean your job search, 2020 edition


The changing definition of “work”