Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.

Is subtle sexism holding you back in your career?
We all know a sexist comment when we hear it. Or do we? Sure, particularly egregious ones like “I’ll have my girl run it over to you” are easy to spot and remind us of something from Mad Men. But far more common are instances of subtle, casual sexism that constantly undermine women’s credibility and hold them back….

Are your language and messaging sexist? They might be!
There is no doubt that sexism, misogyny, and inequality still exist in the 21st century. The wage gap shows little sign of narrowing, let alone going away, and a glass ceiling still holds women back. Here are some things that women commonly hear in the workplace that are inappropriate and sexist. If you’re doing any of these, STOP, post haste! ….

Why women at your workplace don’t report
You’ve seen the stories. You’ve followed the #MeToo movement. You’re an ally of women. You understand. Your company has policies, procedures, precedents. No woman at your workplace would feel anything other than complete and total support. Hmm. Okay. Have you vetted this with the women with whom you work? All the policies and procedures,…
It’s a shame: Social media & the job seeker
In my work as a career coach, I talk to a lot of people. A lot. When I’m working with job seekers, I often counsel them to review their social media accounts and think critically about the content within the context of “would this be appropriate in a professional setting.” Of course, personal social…
Sexist Comments—Your Submissions
I recently asked my social media followers to tell me about times in which they encountered or were the recipients of sexist language and comments in the workplace. As suspected, the archaic sentiments surrounding gender roles and stereotypes are alive and well. Here is a sample of the feedback I received. Shortly after graduating…
Bro Culture in the Workplace
Women presently represent 50% of the workforce. Yet in spite of this, top positions in most companies tend to be dominated by men. And when a woman does hold a C-level position, she’s seen as a novelty, and is often trotted out and put on display in the name of “diversity.” Think Sheryl Sandberg, Meg…
Women in Technology - Part 3
And the third and final post in our Women in Tech mini-series. Today's guest blog comes from Amanda Augustine, Career Management Expert at TheLadders. Thanks Amanda! Compared to their male counterparts, women often face a steeper climb up the corporate ladder. However, there are some simple steps they can take to improve their chances of…
Women in Technology - Part 2
Greetings and salutations! As a follow up to our blog posting on Women surviving in technology, today we are featuring a guest post from our one of our friends, Jessica Hernandez, of Great Resumes Fast. Thanks Jessica! How Women Can Overcome the Challenges They Face in the Tech Industry The tech industry isn’t the…
Sexism in Technology
On 22 February I ran across this excellent article by Tracey Lien at the LA Times entitled "Why are women leaving the tech industry in droves?" The article was about the frustration that women feel working in technology due to widespread sexism, which in this case resulted in the women interviewed in the article abandoning…