Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.

No one cares about that.
I review thousands of resumes and cover letters per year, and I talk to thousands of job seekers, hiring managers, and people in between. What I’ve noticed is that there are a lot of people who spend a lot of time on stuff that is unimportant….

Spring clean your job search, 2020 edition
Yes, this is a weird time in history. And yes, many companies have put hiring on hold until they can figure out what impact the global pandemic will have on the long-term health of their businesses. However, many companies are still hiring, and candidates are still getting interviews and offers….

Coping with grief in the workplace
The workplace is, above all, a social construct, and with it comes all of the nuances of the human experience. We rejoice with our coworkers, we celebrate their successes, and we also grieve with and for them. Grief is a continuum, not a finite process, and it cannot be “managed.” It is personal, unique, and disruptive. And every single person …

Here’s why everyone dreads your meetings
You know those people. Your colleagues, customer, or manager whose behaviors irritate you. You’re not one of those people. Or are you? Do any of these sound like you? I Love the Sound of My Own Voice. I might not have anything substantive to say—in fact, I usually don’t—but that doesn’t stop me from…

Are you one of these people? Please stop.
You know those people. Your colleagues, customer, or manager whose behaviors irritate you. You’re not one of those people. Or are you? Do any of these sound like you? I Love the Sound of My Own Voice. I might not have anything substantive to say—in fact, I usually don’t—but that doesn’t stop me from…

Maybe this is why you didn’t get the job
There are some very good reasons why otherwise qualified candidates are rejected for jobs. Most of the time it’s because a candidate lacks expertise in a certain area, or because of an issue with soft skills—that is, the hiring team doesn’t think the candidate is a fit for the organization. The whole “soft skills”…

The difference of a decade
As we begin not just a new year but also a new decade, I’ve been reflecting on the cultural changes that have impacted both job seeking and hiring practices over the last ten years. You may have noticed some of these as well. In 2010, the United States was beginning to emerge from the…

Lessons of 2019
As we begin not only a new year but also a new decade, I’d like to share with you the top lessons for job seekers from 2019. As you know, I talk to a lot of people in my work as a career coach, and this is what I’ve gleaned from those conversations. Please…
Why your people leave
Attrition. It’s costly, and if your company has above-average rates of turnover, not only are those costs borne in terms of hard dollars and time, but there could also be irreparable damage to your brand. Your employees are your profit makers. Without them, you would not be able to do anything. You want to…
How to deal with the annual self-appraisal
It’s the fourth quarter of the year. That means that salespeople are scrambling to get deals signed, finance people are getting ready to close out the year, and that the dreaded self-appraisal is upon us. The self-appraisal is a common performance management practice. Ostensibly, an employee’s self-appraisal and rating should give the manager valuable…