
Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.

Lessons in Innovation from a Pet Rock
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Lessons in Innovation from a Pet Rock

No effort. No allergies. No cleanup. In the early 1970s, Gary Dahl, a freelance advertising copywriter, was having drinks at a bar with friends when the conversation turned to the destructive nature of pets. Dogs and cats chewed and clawed. Gerbils need to live in packs of 2 or more. Pet fish means regular cleaning of the tank. Then there was the fact that pets required constant attention—they must be walked, played with, fed, and cleaned up after. Dahl said he didn’t have to worry about that because he had a “pet rock.” ….

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Do Things Differently to Get Better Results!
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Do Things Differently to Get Better Results!

I was speaking with a client about an issue she has in her current position. Her manager has an aggressive revenue goal to meet this year, but he doesn’t want to go out and meet with any customers or prospects. My client is concerned that her manager’s reluctance to get out and engage the market directly is going to result in the revenue goal not being met. She is wise to realize this because if the revenue goal is missed, it can have unpleasant consequences for her and her boss….

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The Importance of Branding for the Solopreneur
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

The Importance of Branding for the Solopreneur

Solopreneurs, those of us who run our businesses independently, without partners or W-2 employees, can find it challenging to source business, do the work, and promote ourselves and our services all at the same time. We are laser-focused on producing and delivering the products and services that we offer. Frequently it can be overwhelming to devote the effort necessary to branding and marketing ourselves. The irony, of course, is that those of us who have the least time and resources to devote to this process are the ones who need it the most….

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Is the customer always right?
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Is the customer always right?

Businesses exist for one reason: to solve market and customer problems. If you work in a business, you have customers and clients regardless of whether it’s b2b, b2c, or b2g. A great customer experience (CX) is critical to building brands, driving retention, and scaling revenue. When a business has excellent customer service and CX, its customers will pay a premium price. Think about the difference between the experience of going to Walmart and going to Nordstrom. Both are large, multinational retailers, yet the two shopping experiences could not be more different. Customer service is ingrained in the Nordstrom brand—people who shop there do so because Nordstrom is committed to providing superior experience and service. No one shops at Walmart for these reasons; people shop at Walmart because of price….

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Translating jargon into plain English
Job Market Trends Debra Wheatman Job Market Trends Debra Wheatman

Translating jargon into plain English

As linguists know, language is, by its nature, constantly evolving. Language is also supposed to be communicative and cohesive. However, we all know that corporate lingo is an entity unto itself and that quite often, this particular lexicon does little to provide clarity, direction, or, quite frankly, sense. That is why I am providing my readers with this condensed translation guide, organized by corporate context….

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Why disagreements can be good for business
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Why disagreements can be good for business

Conflict is a natural and inevitable part of every relationship, including the relationships you have with your coworkers and team members. It is not a bad thing; it is a very human thing. You won’t always agree with your team, but great teams are good at disagreeing. Here is how you use that to your advantage….

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General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Expressing Your Opinion Can Hurt Your Brand

The other day, I was reading an article on LinkedIn about gender equality at the executive level. It was written by a female executive who noted that there are very few female C-level executives in any size company and that diversity only helps companies to succeed. The article was in no way inflammatory, and it…

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