Is it OK to put a job on a résumé if you did not get paid?

Dear Deb,

I began working for my husband’s photography studio soon after graduating college.  I have been there in a full-time capacity for the last 8 years.  It’s the only job I have had, with the exception of working in the campus bookstore part-time in college.  I don’t how to address this on a résumé because I never drew a paycheck.  I just did whatever needed to be done to get his business started and keep it going until he could afford a full-time assistant.  Is it OK to put a job on a résumé if you did not get paid?


Mary Anne P.

Dear Mary Anne,

Absolutely!  You should include this important experience on your résumé.  Many business owners do not draw a paycheck as the business is developing. Your time at the agency is probably filled with impressive responsibilities and accomplishments. 

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