I made a mistake leaving my last job for another opportunity

Dear Deb,

I made the biggest mistake!  I quit my job six months ago. I was at that job for more than five years. I thought this new position with a higher salary would be better.  I was promised the chance at a more profitable territory.  So far, that has not happened.  The salary is higher, but the stress is greater and the commute is longer. I miss my manager that was so supportive.  How do I go back? 

Courtenay R.

Dear Courtenay:

I am sorry that the last six months have been rough.  These things happen.  Here are a couple strategies to consider.  Before you take any action, assess the details of the situation carefully.  Only you know this information thoroughly and determine the next step.

You may want to talk to your current manager and ask to review the promises made and the current situation.  Perhaps good things are just around the corner for you.  Also, your new manager may not be cognizant of how you feel.  Give the new manager a chance before you talk to your former employer.  There was a reason why you took this job, so don’t give up too quickly.

If you find that this new job is not going to be a match going forward, then you can approach your former manager.   Tell your manager that you have thought about this for a while and that you regret leaving that company. State the reasons why you regret in positive terms.  In other ways, don’t say you “hate the new company” and instead say the positive things you miss about your former employer.

If it turns out that you cannot return, ask them if you can keep the lines of communication open and if they will consider you again in the future.

If you have a question for Deb, please email debra@careersdonewrite.com. The Ask Deb column appears every Friday on our blog at the Careers Done Write website. 


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