Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.

Easy tips to help you improve workplace communication
The workplace is a social entity. Like all human interactions, it is built upon communication. Healthy, honest communication is the foundation of long- and short-term success. It is how you build relationships and get things done. Here are some quick tips that can help you better communicate with your colleagues, customers, and prospects….

Getting Up When You've Been Knocked Down
We’ve all been there – especially more recently – the global pandemic has taken a toll on all of us. For job seekers who have been furloughed or laid off entirely, the situation has had an emotional, and in a lot of cases physical toll….

Looking forward to 2021
At the end of each year, we look forward to the new one with anticipation, hope, and excitement. Those feelings have never been more apparent than this year when we close out 2020. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I am looking forward to putting 2020 in the archive and moving on, whatever “moving on” from 2020 may mean.
Here’s what I’m looking forward to in 2021….

What we learned from the crazy train that has been 2020
There’s no way around it. This year has been one for the history books. This has been a trying year for sure, the most difficult on record for many, if not most of us. But there have been many important lessons we have learned about managing our careers and our lives this past year….

Five Easy Things You Can Do to Feel and Appear More Confident
Do you struggle with your confidence? Do you feel like an imposter? Do you wonder if the people around you think you don’t know what you’re talking about? Relax. I’ve got you. We all feel this way from time to time, particularly when we are in stressful situations, such as giving a presentation to a large group or expressing an unpopular opinion. Here are five easy tips to help you feel more confident and improve others’ perceptions of you….

Ask Deb: Help! I hate my new job!
I recently started a new job within my industry. I was so excited by the opportunity and I left a job I liked to pursue it. I am sad to say that, 6 weeks in, I have come to realize that this was a colossal mistake. I absolutely hate it. The culture is toxic, my manager is an extreme micromanager, and the job itself is nothing like what I was led to believe. The executive leadership is abysmal, and is focused on maintaining the status quo rather than fixing any part of this broken system. I feel like there is no way that I can possibly succeed in this role.…

Seven things you do that your boss hates
When you’re in a white-collar, corporate job, your role, at a high level, is to make things easier for your boss. That’s why she hired you—to solve problems and take the burden off of her. However, too many people either don’t realize this or forget that this is the case, and they do things—intentionally or otherwise—that make things more difficult for their boss. Here are the top 7 offenses, as reported by managers….

Managing your incompetent boss
Last week, I talked about the reasons why your incompetent boss is allowed to continue to hold a management position, and by extension, authority over you. So many people responded to me saying “Yeah, my boss is incompetent. What do I do about it?” So that’s what I’m going to school you on this week. The first thing you need to remember is that you can only change yourself and control how you react in various situations, and that is what we will focus on….

Why your boss is incompetent
At some point or another, most of us have worked for a bad boss. In fact, incompetence can seem like a rather prevalent managerial trait! High-performing leaders and their teams are the drivers of results, yet subpar performers are still tolerated. Why don’t companies replace ineffective leaders with talented people who will inspire teams, eliminating boredom and drudgery, and stimulating innovation and productivity?

Why disagreements can be good for business
Conflict is a natural and inevitable part of every relationship, including the relationships you have with your coworkers and team members. It is not a bad thing; it is a very human thing. You won’t always agree with your team, but great teams are good at disagreeing. Here is how you use that to your advantage….