Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.
The Cost of Being “Out of Touch”
One problem with being out of touch is the lack of awareness that you are out of touch. It’s what you don’t know that you don’t know that is hurting you. If you are a job-seeker, there is a cost associated with being out of touch – your target job. These are just three easy…
Interview Blocking Resumes: Warning Signs Hiring Managers Spot in a Minute
How’s your resume response rate? In other words, are you getting many calls for interviews? If your resume is not generating interviews, it’s time to evaluate your resume. Hiring managers look for signs that a candidate will not be successful or a proper fit for the job. Is your resume sending signs to hiring manager? …
How to Recover from a Huge Career Set Back
If you’ve been a fan of AMC’s Mad Men, you’ve witnessed the rise, fall, and recovery of the ever-suave, Don Draper. It’s been a theme of the show from the start. The opening montage of the man falling with skyscrapers in the background forebodes what we can see through the seasons. But, will he hit…
Balancing a Demanding Career with Motherhood
Every mother is unique. Although there are standards we can set as a society for being a “good mom,” we can’t define motherhood for everyone. Balancing the priorities of career and motherhood have long been discussed and analyzed. What can we share on the subject that is new? How can we perform better as mothers…
How to Solve the 3 Biggest Resume Problems
A resume makeover does not have to be an all-weekend event. You can squeeze a quick resume makeover in a couple of spare hours. My advice is to tackle the three biggest resume problems now! After that you can fine-tune your resume to perfection. There is no time like the present to improve your resume. …
Why Mothers Make Great Employees
In May, we take time to appreciate mothers and motherhood. However, we tend to relegate motherhood to a place outside the workplace. In fact, mothers take great effort to prove that motherhood will not interfere with what is considered traditional work life. (After all, there is no harder job than being a mother!) Today we’re…
You Know You Sound Old When….
Have you ever put your “foot in your mouth” at a meeting and wondered what people thought of you? You want to reverse time and take back those words. On a resume candidates oftentimes commit a similar faux pas. Maturity and longevity in the workforce is to be revered. However, we need to be strategic…
Resumes Lessons from a Can of Soup
Many food companies are savvy enough to know that most shoppers read food labels, despite being short on time. A label with eye-catching key statistics can give that product an edge over another product, especially if that product touts qualities such as low sugar, low calories, and zero trans fat. Companies are wise to invest…
User Experience Matters on a Resume
When I pick up my email messages on my phone, I open and answer the short messages. I save the long ones for later, when I have time. Who has time for long messages? Nobody! The same attitude applies to resume reading. At some point, your resume will most likely be read on a small…
A Goof-off Day: Just What This Career Coach Recommends
March 22nd was National Goof-off Day. While the origin is unknown to me, I definitely see the value in such a day. I don’t mean a day to go skiing, get caught up on household repairs, or take the kids to an amusement park. My definition of a goof-off day is a day that does…