A Goof-off Day: Just What This Career Coach Recommends

March 22nd was National Goof-off Day. While the origin is unknown to me, I definitely see the value in such a day.  I don’t mean a day to go skiing, get caught up on household repairs, or take the kids to an amusement park.  My definition of a goof-off day is a day that does not require preparation, planning, schedule-keeping, or exertion.  It’s a day of uninterrupted loafing.  I recommend that everyone take a goof-off day in March, especially if you are in the midst of a job search.

A day to clear your mind and totally relax is beneficial for many reasons.  You can’t run at 100% all of the time. Our bodies and minds need a bit of periodic downtime to restore.  Also, when you are busy moving from one commitment to the next, often there is little time to consider or seek a new perspective. Use a goof-off day to rest, restore and reflect. 

What goals should you set for your goof-off day? None! Just let things come as they may.  You may stay in your PJs all day and binge-watch everything in your viewing queue. You may not complete a single task or reply to a single message. That is alright. This is your escape day during which you are accountable for nothing.

What can you expect to achieve as a result of your goof-off day?  I advise against setting expectations for this day.  However, you may have some unexpected results.  For example, with a de-cluttered brain you might find yourself exploring new career options or new ways to market yourself. With a rested body, you will have a renewed energy to kick your job search and career into a higher gear. 

Consider a goof-off day as a free pass to be completely unproductive and irresponsible.  But, don’t be surprised if this day changes your perspective and reinvigorates you!


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