
Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.

General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Change Your Lottery Dreams to a Strategy for Success

Careers Done Write is a finalist in the prestigious Reader's Choice Awards for "best career blog." Being nominated is a great honor and in the spirit of “reaching for the brass ring", we want to win!

Please click here to vote for us. You can vote once per day February 19th through March 19th.  If we win, we’ll celebrate with an…

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General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Tax Increase Survival Advice

Careers Done Write is a finalist in the prestigious Reader's Choice Awards for "best career blog." Being nominated is a great honor and in the spirit of “reaching for the brass ring", we want to win!

Please click here to vote for us. You can vote once per day February 19th through March 19th.  If we win, we’ll celebrate with an…

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General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Careers Done Write Workshop on the Go: Soft Skills Part II: Team Work

Earlier this year Millennial Branding conducted a survey of 225 employers using Experience Inc.’s data pool of over 100,000 U.S. companies.  Of the employers surveyed, 92% said that teamwork skills were one of the top five skills they are seeking in new employees.  Teamwork skills are often taken for granted by employees.   “What’s the big…

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General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

What do YOU think?

I really want to hear what you are thinking.  This month’s hot topic is the lottery.  Lottery fever hit most of the U.S. this week, culminating in two big winners striking it rich.  Take a moment and email me.  One lucky person who emails me before December 15th will win a free LinkedIn profile written…

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General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

A Little Soft in Soft Skills

This year Millennial Branding conducted a survey of 225 employers using Experience Inc.’s data pool of over 100,000 U.S. companies.  The subject was the “Student Employment Gap.” What caught my attention was the perceived deficit in soft skills for entry-level employees.   Often candidates, especially recent graduates, overlook soft skills when preparing for a career.  Education,…

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General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Résumé Help: Don’t Be Afraid to Shine

Periodically I hear from clients that they don’t want their résumé to look too fancy or stylish.   I say, “Why are you afraid to shine?”   I am not suggesting anything garish or over-the-top.   However, don’t be afraid to shine!   The point of the entire job search process is to shine.  You want to present a…

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General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Thanksgiving: A Chance to say, “Thanks,” and Network!

If you live in the U.S. or Canada, you know that Thanksgiving is approaching. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to reconnect with others and share gratitude.  It is not just about family.  Many people impact our lives in a meaningful way.  Take the opportunity to reach out (network).  Why is Thanksgiving a good time to…

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