Tips for Job Search Success
Today’s Blog is part of the Career Collective. Once a month, our group of career professionals blog on a subject topical and timely for a job seeker.
If you are like many, it is tempting to think that you can do an online search for a job, submit your résumé and poof, get hired!
While a few very lucky candidates do get a career opportunity via an internet search (10-15%), the majority have to be a great deal more proactive to juice up their job search.
Another outdated belief that many job seekers have is that a recruiter is going to ‘find’ you a job. Nothing could be further from the truth. Recruiters may be a good resource for job seekers, but they are client driven. So this means they are going to find their client a good candidate, not the other way around.
Still, contacting industry recruiters is an important part of any full scale job search and it is a good idea to establish relationships with multiple staffing firms.
Just keep in mind that only a very small percentage of the candidates who are submitted through a headhunter are actually hired.
Below are a few more out-of-the-box things you can do to increase your job search success:
- If posting your résumé to job boards, consider choosing a select number of specialty boards. For example, if you are a finance professional, google “finance job boards” and choose from the best boards to target your specific area of expertise.
- Don’t just post your résumé, repost it often. It will keep you at the top of the stack. HR professionals can get bleary-eyed by the time they get to third page of a résumé search. You want to be in front of the pack, not at the tail end.
- Reach out to strangers. Use social network sites like LinkedIn, join groups, and connect with people who have industry commonalities with you, even if you don’t know them. It is okay. Use appropriate etiquette when you write.
- For example, you can say something like, “I came across your information and noticed we are in the same industry. I am currently looking for a new career opportunity and was wondering if you, or anyone you know, might be a good resource for me.”
- Then you can throw in something personal that you noticed about their profile that is a common point of interest. You may also mention that you really appreciate their help. People are generally happy to be helpful when they can.
- Fedex your résumé to the hiring manager. Yes, I said Fedex, but you can u
se UPS 2nd or 3rd day air, or even USPS Priority Mail. The point is to get noticed. Be sure to follow-up with a phone call to make sure the package was received. No, it is not offensive to them as long as you don’t call 10 times. Be aggressive, but not annoying.
In this job market, taking the extra step to market yourself is critical. Do keep in mind though that everything you do or say reflects upon your professional brand, so use good business sense and be polite in all of your communications. It is okay to break the rules a little bit in order to add some needed fuel to your job search efforts, but do it with both tenacity and tact!
Dear Readers,
In conjunction with Job Search Digest, we will be conducting a webinar on February 8, 2011, Financial Résumé Writing – Extreme Résumé Makeovers. It is open to all executive level candidates regardless of industry, but space is limited.
For further info or to enroll go to EXTREME RESUME MAKEOVER
Below are more articles from the Career Collective! Enjoy.
It's not your age, it's old thinking, @GayleHoward
Want a Job? Ignore these outdated job search beliefs @erinkennedycprw
Job Search Then and Now, @MartinBuckland @EliteResumes
Break the Rules or Change the Game? @WalterAkana
The New: From The Employer's-Eye View, @ResumeService
Job Search: Breakable Rules and Outdated Beliefs, @KatCareerGal
Job Hunting Rules to Break (Or Why and How to Crowd Your Shadow), @chandlee @StartWire,
Shades of Gray, @DawnBugni
3 Rules That Are Worth Your Push-Back, @WorkWithIllness
Your Photo on LinkedIn - Breaking a Cardinal Job Search Rule? @KCCareerCoach
How to find a job: stop competing and start excelling, @Keppie_Careers
Be You-Nique: Resume Writing Rules to Break, @ValueIntoWords
Modernizing Your Job Search, @LaurieBerenson
Don't Get Caught With an Old School Resume, @barbarasafani
How Breaking the Rules Will Help You in Your Job Search, @expatcoachmegan
Beat the Job-Search-Is-a-Numbers-Game Myth, @JobHuntOrg
25 Habits to Break if You Want a Job, @CareerSherpa