Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.

Ask Deb: Must I Attend the Team Building Event?
Everyone hates team-building exercises. They are universally reviled by people at all levels of the organization. Who wants to spend three days with coworkers while not doing any actual work? Team-building exercises are pointless because they suggest that if your team members spent more time doing silly things and solving group problems together, climbing trees, and rolling around on the floor, they would work more effectively together the rest of the time. There is absolutely zero research that supports this belief. Employees work to get a job done and, more importantly, to get paid, not to play inane games with coworkers….

The Inception of Collaboration Tools
Setting: A corporate America conference room, complete with whiteboard and glass walls.
Characters: Developers/Engineers; Clueless Boss; Users (silent role)
Scene: An average day at MacroBurst, maker of widely used business software known for its extremely non-intuitive, frustrating pseudo-solutions….

Seven things you do that your boss hates
When you’re in a white-collar, corporate job, your role, at a high level, is to make things easier for your boss. That’s why she hired you—to solve problems and take the burden off of her. However, too many people either don’t realize this or forget that this is the case, and they do things—intentionally or otherwise—that make things more difficult for their boss. Here are the top 7 offenses, as reported by managers….
The Case for Helping Out a Coworker
I recently received the following email: My team consists of myself and a peer, a coordinator, and our manager. My peer has recently returned to work after the birth of her first child. She was out for two months, and during that time, I took charge of her major projects and made sure the work…
Careers Done Write Workshop on the Go: Soft Skills Part II: Team Work
Earlier this year Millennial Branding conducted a survey of 225 employers using Experience Inc.’s data pool of over 100,000 U.S. companies. Of the employers surveyed, 92% said that teamwork skills were one of the top five skills they are seeking in new employees. Teamwork skills are often taken for granted by employees. “What’s the big…