It’s Not Too Late to Snag a Summer Job
You may be on break from college or just looking for additional income; the summer can be a great time to pick up a part time job. Many businesses face a summertime rush and require part-time help. The competition can be tough as the supply of labor for part-time jobs also increases in the summer due to students being on summer break. Following these steps can lead you on the right path to locking down a summer job.
Start Looking Now: Don’t delay another day. It can be quite completive in the summer when looking for a part-time job. If you are currently in school, try to apply about three or four weeks before your break begins.
Identify Seasonal Jobs: Your best chances of snagging a summer job will come from companies that have seasonal rushes. This can include amusement parks, summer camps, ice cream or frozen ice shops, outdoor sports clubs, tutoring companies, and restaurants.
Create a Focused Resume: Some positions for summer jobs receive a lot of applications so having a resume focused on the skills required for your targeted summer job will help you stand out and get you in the door for an interview. Also be sure to update your resume with your most recent accomplishments.
Check Job Sites Daily: Websites such as Indeed and Snagajob have abundant job postings. These job sites will provide you with links to companies’ websites making the application process extremely easy. The postings change daily and throughout the day, so stay on top of this information.
Tap the Hidden Job Market: Often small companies and also large chains are hiring, but don’t put their postings on job boards. Check the websites of the actual businesses. Even if you don’t see a posting for a job, that does not mean they are not hiring. Complete the company’s online application or stop by the company to complete an application.
Network: Make sure to let friends and family know that you are looking for a summer job. Also, use your prior work connections uncover news of job openings. Access your LinkedIn account to look for potential employers and use your connections to find job openings.
The summer is a great opportunity to get a part-time job. You can earn money while on your summer break and build your skills and business connections. Be persistent in your search, follow-up appropriately and you will increase your chances of success.