Handling Skill Gaps

Dear Deb:

I am applying for jobs in clinical informatics. It requires a combination of technology and clinical experience.  What should I say on my resume or cover letter about a gap in my technical expertise?  In other words, the job posting indicates a requirement for QuadraMed QCPR.  I have no experience with that particular software, however, I am sure I could learn it quickly.  I have used similar types of software.



Dear Tom:

There is no need to point out a skill gap in the cover letter or resume. However, if you are applying for a position that requires a skill or certification that you don't have, you could add a line like this to your letter:  "My managers have appreciated my ability to get up to adapt rapidly to new technologies and hit the ground running on new projects."  You can vary that based on the issue (new skill, new technology, new industry, new processes, etc. best robot vacuum cleaner 

Wishing you all the best!



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