Are You Pinteresting?

Are you active on Pinterest, yet?   If not, you may be missing a valuable way to enhance your career and have fun in the process. is a virtual bulletin board where members pin graphics that they’ve virtually “torn” from various websites.  Think of it as an old-fashioned idea book or collage of favorite things.  The site itself has done a terrific job of explaining how to get started, so I won’t waste space here attempting to do the same.  As a career coach, I immediately thought about how my clients can leverage to advance their career pursuits.  Below are a just a few ways.

Pinning Your “Pinterésumé”

The most obvious use of Pinterest for your career is to pin work samples, photos of accomplishments, and references to accolades. Some have called this a pinterésumé.  We recommend that you create a pinterésumé as just one of your boards on Pinterest. 

Search for Companies and Experts That Interest You

Using the search function, explore various companies and individuals.  You may elect to follow them so that you will receive updates as they pin new items to their boards.  This is a great way to get to know a company’s culture and to gain insight into experts in your field. Through Pinterest you can observe trends from a graphical perspective.

Develop and Exhibit Your Brand

This may be the most powerful use of Pinterest.  You can create multiple boards to showcase aspects of your professional and personal life.  Be careful with the content you select, as this is one of the social media sites that potential employers will review when considering you for employment.  Build boards to illustrate your industry knowledge, style, passions, and your unique perspective.  It is an excellent way to develop and exhibit your brand for the entire world to see.

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