8 Tips for Effectively Networking During the Holiday Season


The end of the year is typically filled with parties, gatherings, and social engagements, making it the perfect time for networking. This year, COVID has upended the usual holiday practice of getting together in person and wishing each other well. However, there is still ample opportunity to build and nurture your network. Here are some tips on how to do so effectively:

Don’t disguise networking requests as holiday greetings. This is duplicitous, and it annoys people. You don’t need to ask for something every time you reach out to your network. You can send a simple holiday greeting without asking for anything.

Stick with “Happy Holidays.” We live in a global, multicultural world, which means that there are many religious and cultural holidays at the end of the year. Unless you know specifically which ones someone celebrates, simply wish them well for the holiday season.

Focus on being useful. Don’t push your agenda on your network. What can you do to help? What are their goals for the coming year?

Make a list. Take a cue from Santa and keep track of the people with whom you interact throughout the season. Take note of what their goals are and follow up appropriately. That could be connecting a hiring manager to a candidate or suggesting companies to job seekers.

Show your appreciation. Take this time to personally thank the people who have helped or influenced you throughout the year. Don’t merely send out a mass “thanks for all the great stuff we did this year” email. Tailor each communication.

Attend the virtual networking party. These are fantastic ice breakers that offer you the opportunity to socialize with other professionals. No, it’s not the same as going to a party in person, but you’re adaptable and flexible, and you can roll with it. 

Set a 2-drink maximum. This is my standard advice for any professional function. Just because this year’s parties will be virtual does not mean that it’s party time. Keep your wits about you and remain above board.

Avoid business talk. This may seem counterintuitive, but don’t go to the holiday party and talk shop. You can relax and have fun while simultaneously networking with people. Ask them about their families, their holiday plans, what movies they enjoy, or where they grew up. Networking is about making human connections.


The key to successful networking is in nurturing your relationships. Engage with your network over this holiday season, but don’t make that a one-off. Ensure that you’re providing them value throughout the year and that the focus is on them and not on you. Now go virtually raise a glass and spread some cheer! 


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