New Résumé Strategies for Success

Q. I haven’t created a résumé in a long time and I was wondering if there are any differences in how a résumé was written 15 years ago versus now?  TH, New Hampshire

A. It is important to present your credentials in a polished way. A current résumé should offer an in-depth overview of your professional experiences. There are a variety of elements that you will want to include in your résumé to provide high impact and leave readers with a positive impression. 

  1. Choose a headline.  A résumé headline tells people immediately what your focus is. It lets readers in on your bottom line strength and is an important component of your professional brand.
  2. Highlight your strengths. Create a detailed summary of your most impressive attributes and achievements. Mention your most critical skills and spotlight what makes you the best at what you do. This is a written 30-second elevator pitch.
  3. Include key areas of expertise. Share your core competencies in a short list that can be easily reviewed.
  4. Spell out your achievements. Include some of your career accomplishments. Think about adding a “Career Highlights” section in the top third of your résumé to create a power packed document.
  5. Include your awards and certifications. In addition to your education, if you have received certifications or gained special recognition for your achievements, include this information at the bottom of your résumé.

When selling yourself to a potential employer, the most important thing is to show them your value.  Why are you the ‘cream of the crop’?  They need to have examples of your skills and achievements that make you valuable and demonstrate your history of success. 

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