Brand Yourself Now for a Great Career after College

Are you drawn to a particular restaurant brand?  Aspects of the brand assure you that you can rely on that the taste of food will be consistently good, the staff will treat you well, and that it is a value for the money you spend. As a college student, you should begin to consider your personal brand. Proactively and thoughtfully developing your brand will show potential employers that you are ready for the workforce and will help you facilitate a platform that drives success.           

Academic Performance

For many employers, grades are an easy way to reduce a candidate pool of 200 to a more manageable pool of 50.  Earning good grades throughout your college career will show hiring managers that you went the extra mile and that had your priorities straight. Even if you are not able to finish at the top of your class, it is still important to show up to your classes. It demonstrates to your professor that you are dedicated. When it is time to ask for recommendations, a professor will be more comfortable writing a strong recommendation for someone they remember through class participation and high grades.


Join student and professional organizations, particularly organizations that pertain to your chosen field. Holding a leadership position will look great on your resume, and you will gain valuable skills. Also, your fellow club members might pursue opportunities in similar or the same industries; those connections can be very valuable. Beyond clubs, consider leadership roles in school events. These high-profile roles are an excellent way to boost your brand.


Many colleges host internship fairs or post internships on a student website. Don’t skip this opportunity. Landing an internship with a strong company is a definite brand builder.  You’ll develop new skills and industry contacts.  Act professionally and work diligently, and an internship will elevate your brand.

Social Media

Over the last decade, social media had become a major part of the lives of young people and can promote or tarnish their brands. In all digital communication, remain professional. That means no pictures at the club or profanity in your tweets.  It is fine to engage on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, but professionally, you need to be active on LinkedIn. Even if you are not working, update your LinkedIn profile and begin to increase your connections.

College is not only time to learn, but a time to begin building your personal brand. With a strong, positive personal brand  cultivated early in your college years, you will be on the right track to winning your dream job after college.


Women in Technology - Part 2


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