Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.
How Pre-employment Screening Tests Filter Out Top Talent
We all know that recruiting and retaining top talent is a major concern of business leaders. Turnover most interferes with an organization's success. Rampant turnover can negatively impact the employer brand. And, of course, there is the financial cost of turnover. The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) estimates that it takes employers the equivalent…
Deb’s FAQ for Job Seekers
I get a lot of questions about job seeking and interviewing from my clients and my readers. As you can imagine, the same few questions come up frequently, so I thought it was time that I did a FAQ for quick answers to some of my commonly fielded questions. Here you go! Do I…
High Pressure Hiring
Both job seekers and recruiters know that over the course of the last few years, the job market has gone from a buyer’s market to a seller’s one. The talent shortage is intensifying. Employers are finding it more and more difficult to fill open positions with top candidates. Time-to-fill rates are getting higher. Line managers…
Another example of the broken recruiting system
This recently happened to my client. She applied online through a company’s ATS, for a position for which she was perfectly matched. She had little faith that anyone would ever see her application and assumed that she sent it off down a black hole. A few weeks later, she received a text message from…
Because people are strange. That’s why.
In my line of work, I field many questions about human behavior, as if I have some special insight into how people think and act. I talk to many people in varied industries, and from these conversations, I can glean some universal truths about human behavior. The first is that most people are insecure and…
Internship? Returnship?
Internships have long been avenues by which college students or recent graduates gain some practical experience in their field to complement their areas of study. I advise all students to do at least one internship before graduation so that they have a practical understanding of their field, as well as a familiarity with the work…
The gender pay gap—it’s worse than you thought
Worldwide, women are paid 23% less than men who do the same jobs. This gender pay gap may be ardently disputed, but its existence is well documented and indisputable. The inherent problem with the pay gap is not only the disparity in earnings between the genders, but also the fact that a lifetime of economic…
Inspiring Innovation
You’ve noticed. Business has radically changed. No longer can you sit back and enjoy increased revenues from the same products, year after year. You need to do something different. Maybe you need to find a new market for your products. Or perhaps you can find a way to solve new and emerging problems for your…
Inspiring Innovation
You’ve noticed. Business has radically changed. No longer can you sit back and enjoy increased revenues from the same products, year after year. You need to do something different. Maybe you need to find a new market for your products. Or perhaps you can find a way to solve new and emerging problems for your…
What millennials want
I’m sure you’ve seen it. There’s a lot of Millennial hating going on out there. This newest generation to arrive in the workplace is alternately painted as lazy and entitled, or as enthusiastic and diligent. They are the first truly “digitally native” generation. They’ve always had access to a computerized solution for virtually any problem,…