
Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

During the Second World War, women proved they could do “men’s” work and do it well. With men away to serve in the military and demands for war materials increasing, manufacturing jobs opened up to women and upped their earning power. Yet, women’s employment was only encouraged as long as the war was on. Once the war was over, federal and civilian policies replaced women workers with men….

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Confident or Arrogant? Do You Know the Difference?
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Confident or Arrogant? Do You Know the Difference?

While confidence and arrogance may seem to be opposite forms of expression, there is often a fine line between them. Confidence positively expresses your abilities, while arrogance is often associated with believing you’re more intelligent and capable than those around you. Knowing the difference between the two is essential to ensure you remain confident, resourceful, and collaborative at work….

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My Holiday Wish
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

My Holiday Wish

The end of the calendar year brings with it holidays from multiple cultures and belief systems. From the most obvious, Christmas, to Hanukkah, the widely known Jewish celebration of lights, to the pagan celebration of Winter Solstice, December is the month of multiple celebrations. These holiday observations contain a unifying message- one of peace and unity….

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Lessons in Innovation from a Pet Rock
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Lessons in Innovation from a Pet Rock

No effort. No allergies. No cleanup. In the early 1970s, Gary Dahl, a freelance advertising copywriter, was having drinks at a bar with friends when the conversation turned to the destructive nature of pets. Dogs and cats chewed and clawed. Gerbils need to live in packs of 2 or more. Pet fish means regular cleaning of the tank. Then there was the fact that pets required constant attention—they must be walked, played with, fed, and cleaned up after. Dahl said he didn’t have to worry about that because he had a “pet rock.” ….

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Debunking the Myth of Hard Work
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Debunking the Myth of Hard Work

Have you ever wondered why Americans are obsessed with the idea of hard work? And that if something is not working out, you just need to try harder? Perhaps unsurprisingly, this mentality has its roots in the Puritan culture of the Reformation, a culture that shaped the current culture of America. During the 16th and 17th centuries, the European Renaissance and the Reformation brought about a period of religious and political upheaval. Two leaders who were instrumental in the development of Western culture were Martin Luther and John Calvin….

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Bewitched by Your Uniqueness
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Bewitched by Your Uniqueness

When I think about the show now, bad special effects aside, I realize that Bewitched started a conversation about the empowerment of women and how that was represented in different generations during the 1960s. The show clearly invites a conversation about female issues and female empowerment as it centers on strong women characters. This is quite impressive, considering the time period. Samantha’s somewhat adherence to Darrin’s edict isolated and marginalized her. Fundamentally, Bewitched is a show about being unable to be yourself and hiding who you really are….

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Skip the Prelude: Why LinkedIn Doesn’t Need a ‘Let Me Explain’ Disclaimer
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

Skip the Prelude: Why LinkedIn Doesn’t Need a ‘Let Me Explain’ Disclaimer

For unknown reasons, many so-called LinkedIn experts love sharing the most ordinary statement ever, followed by “let me explain.” This phenomenon seems limited to LinkedIn and is most often used by influencers looking to build their presence on LinkedIn. I guarantee that whatever the opening statement is, it is nothing extraordinary or earth-shattering. Instead, it is likely to be mundane and dull. Let me explain….

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AI Writing: Missing the Human Spark in the Story of Communication
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

AI Writing: Missing the Human Spark in the Story of Communication

There is a lot of talk about how ChatGPT and other AI tools can easily and cheaply replace humans. Undoubtedly, this is true. And for many people, ChatGPT is good enough. But that’s just it. It’s “good enough,” which means mediocre or barely passable. Written material that ChatGPT produces is easy to spot—it’s bland, has no voice, and is not compelling. In other words, it lacks a human element….

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When Should You Seek Out an Employment Law Attorney?
General Debra Wheatman General Debra Wheatman

When Should You Seek Out an Employment Law Attorney?

If you are a member of a protected class—race, religion, gender, national origin, or age--and think you are experiencing discrimination in the workplace is one of the most obvious. But here are a few more scenarios in which you might consider seeking legal counsel….

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