Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.
Don’t Lowball Yourself
There is much advice on how to deal with a lowball offer from a prospective employer. We talk about how to avoid being on the receiving end of a lowball offer, and how to negotiate your way out of one. But what we don’t talk about all that often is how candidates sometimes lowball themselves.…
Help! I’ve Been Fired!
One of the questions I frequently field pertains to how a job seeker should position himself when he’s involuntarily left his previous position. Many people think that being involuntarily severed from a previous employer leaves them with an indelible mark and that they are forever stained. This simply is not true. Many, if not most…
Top 10 Outdated Job Search Tips
I’m sure you’ve heard some of these from well-meaning friends and family. What worked back in the era of the 3 martini lunch—or in the era when MTV still played music—doesn’t work today. If you hear any of these bits of advice, you have my permission, and encouragement, to ignore them! Drop your resume off…
Women’s Day Off
October 24, 1975. 90% of the women in Iceland went on strike. No work. No cooking. No shopping. No cleaning. No caring for children. Almost 25,000 women assembled in the capital city of Reykjavik in protest of economic inequality of women. The impact was enormous. It paralyzed the economy, and put the tiny nation of…
Ten Tips for Successfully Negotiating an Offer
This post is part of part of Job Action Day 2016 Undoubtedly you’ve heard the adage that everything is negotiable. Whether or not this is true is up for debate, but what is true is that in any situation, it’s worthwhile to explore options. When you’ve been engaged in a job search, it can…
Five Top Reasons to Leave Your Current Employer
We all know that it is very unlikely that anyone is going to stay with the same company for 40 years, collect a watch and a pension, and then go off into a blissful, stress-free retirement. Those days are over, and in the new era of work, it is incumbent upon the individual to take…
Four Things You Need in Order to Evaluate an Offer
Congratulations! You’ve been offered a new position! It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and anticipation of a new venture, but don’t make the mistake of immediate acceptance. Any new offer needs to be evaluated critically, on a number of different factors. Here’s what you need to assess your offer: A written, contingent…
Should You Study the Humanities?
There was recently an article in the Washington Post about college students whose parents forbid them from majoring in liberal arts disciplines. Although it is easy to write this off as overzealous helicopter parenting, it is indicative of a trend over the last thirty years. Undergraduates are eschewing liberal arts degrees in favor of degrees…
Stop letting employers bully you
It is no secret that the hiring process is broken. Badly broken. Considering the financial impact hiring has to a company’s bottom line, it is astounding that many, if not most, employers don’t take it seriously. From forcing applicants to comply with non-intuitive ATS programs, to failing to follow up with candidates, it would seem…
Why Sometimes You Need Censorship
The media’s ability to cover the Vietnam War without censorship was unlike anything that came before or has happened since. The unprecedented access of journalists to officers meant that, for the only time in American history, the American public had an unedited view into the daily life of war. However, this unfettered freedom came at…