Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.
What is a Professional Résumé?
What is a professional résumé? There are several critical fundamentals to a professional résumé. If a candidate misses the mark on any of the fundamentals, it can diminish the results of the candidate’s job search campaign. The fundamentals are résumé structure, content, effective language, sophisticated style, and accuracy. Résumé Structure The backbone of your résumé includes…
It is April 15th. Will you wear your number 42 today?
Perhaps you are one of the 27 million people who saw the film, “42,” when it opened on Friday. Most of us were not around during this ground-breaking time in the late 1940s. For that reason, it is worth your time to hit the theatre and reflect on the life of Jackie Robinson and what…
InfoGraphic - Ten Great Careers for the Future
Where is the future of career? Where is the money? What roles are growing in demand? Check out this InfoGraphic to find out!
It’s Time for Your Social Media Image to Grow Up
If you are making the transition from college life to professional life, it is time for your social media profile to grow up. It only takes one ill-considered post to curtail a job opportunity. The time to develop and nurture your digital brand should take place before you graduate. In the Student Career Development Study…
Mastering the Interview – Part 5: Additional Tips: Interview Ending Moves
There are certain interview moves that will spoil your chances of success. Some are serious enough to end the interview. Employers want to hire employees who can perform well in the job and get along with others. Work can be stressful, so interviewers sometimes try to induce stress or throw a curve ball to bring…
Mastering the Interview Part 4: The Final Round
You received news that you are a finalist for the position you have been coveting for months. All that work and preparation has been worthwhile. Now the heat is on. It’s you and possibly one or two finalists. The final round is different from previous rounds of interviews. In this round, the hiring committee (or…
Mastering the Interview Part 2: Skype & Distance Interviewing
In today’s environment, your next job opportunity may be downtown or around the world. The market is rich with candidates and employers have the luxury of interviewing a variety of candidates before making a decision. The barriers to identifying dozens of candidates from Peoria to Punjab have been torn down via distance interviewing campaigns. In…
Mastering the Interview Part 1: Crafting & Delivering Your Message
The interview is your chance, perhaps your one chance, to communicate your message. It is critical that you craft and deliver a perfect message! To get another perspective on the subject of interviewing, I interviewed CNN veteran and media consultant, Bella Shaw. She shared terrific advice for our Careers Done Write Master the Interview series. …
Real Millionaire Survivor Sharks of Beverly Hills
Years ago when CBS’s Survivor was still in its infancy, I recall hearing an outlandish prediction that there would be half a dozen cable channels devoted to reality programming. That outlandish prediction has become reality. Many of these shows reveal the underbelly of society. Outrageous behavior, back-stabbing, and deception are at the forefront of these shows,…
Linkedin infographic
With the continued popularity of Linkedin, we created an infographic depicting some key information to provide a 'picture' of Linkedin's value.