Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.
An Open Letter to Gen Z and Those Who Employ Them
Dear GenZ:
I see you in the headlines. They’re saying that you’re “challenging” and “difficult” to work with. They say you’re lazy and don’t take direction well. You lack work ethic, and you have attitudes, And you’re getting fired at a rate higher than your counterparts from other generations....
What The Sopranos Can Teach Us about Gen Z
Gen Z only knows the world of high-quality, prestige TV. They never experienced the struggle of having nothing to watch but reruns of Gilligan’s Island or mandatory commercials. They expect to be able to watch what they want when they want, and most don’t even use a television, opting to watch on their laptops or phones. They are shaping this into a different world, and a fresh crop will graduate in a few weeks. If your business wants to keep up and attract young talent, you must learn from Hollywood’s mistakes and adapt.
Here’s what Gen Z wants out of work….
It’s Graduation Time. What Does Gen Z Want in a Career?
Gen Z-ers want meaningful careers, not just jobs. As an employer, building awareness of what candidates look for in the ideal position is key to connecting with the applicants. If you’ve been out to any campus recruiting events, you’re well aware that as a group, Gen Z is focused on values first and specific roles second. Having a better understanding of the needs and values of these recent grads can help bridge the gap in employer recruiting while improving the chances of making good hiring decisions….