Should I include my Mensa affiliation on my résumé?

Dear Deb:

A recruiter recently asked me to remove my Mensa affiliation from my résumé.  I really want to showcase my intelligence and if someone is intimidated with my intelligence, I don’t want to work with or for him or her.  How is that wrong?

Regards, Edward

Dear Edward:

I understand why you are proud of your Mensa affiliation and level of intelligence. Here are a few things to consider when determining if you should include Mensa on your résumé.

* You may not want to work for or with someone who would not consider you because of your Mensa mention. However, an HR staff member with whom you may interact very little will very likely screen your résumé. If they are sorting through 500 résumés, they will be looking for reasons to eliminate most of those.

* Some hiring managers or recruiters may have the perception or bias that individuals with an exceptionally high IQ will become bored in a job quickly.  If you have a history of changing jobs frequently, that can support this bias.

* Including Mensa (or other intelligence-based societies) associations on your résumé may be a turn-off for many readers.  Readers may think that you are an elitist and that you may not fit in culturally - not because you are bright, but because you may not to interact well with those not as bright as you. Depending on the job for which you are applying, you may not be in a company full of your intellectual equals.   

* Most (if not all) employers want you to show your intelligence through your accomplishments, education, and your communication (how well your résumé is written).

The bottom line is that your interpersonal intelligence is as important as your general intelligence.  Be smart and avoiding alienating any prospects. You can decide after the first interview if you do not want to associate with them.  The best way to impress an employer with your intelligence is by crafting a résumé to feature the scope of your responsibilities and your top achievements.

Thanks for writing!


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