Résumé Help: Project Account Management Professional

Setting the tone of a résumé is critical to a candidate’s success. Before someone reads a résumé, they form an impression based on the overall appearance. Plenty of white space, an attractive design, an easy-to-read font, and a strong headline help create a positive first impression. Unfortunately, this example résumé is weak or remiss in those areas.  First, the overall look of the résumé is very dense. Although there is plenty of white space on the left side, the right side of the résumé is very tight and somewhat difficult to read. The font is a bit out-dated.  The résumé would look more contemporary with a crisp Sans Serif font.

The résumé would benefit greatly from a headline.  A headline is a five to seven word statement that expresses the candidate’s brand or primary value.  Following the headline should be a profile.  The profile is a summary of a candidate’s unique and exceptional professional qualifications. The qualifications put everything below it into context.  The information in the profile should relate directly to the job posting to which a candidate is applying.  It should answer the question, “Why should I consider you for the job?”

With an update of the format and the addition of a headline and profile, this candidate is on the road to having a more effective résumé.   For additional tips, read this blog entry, Résumé Help: Project Account Management Professional.

To see additional résumé suggestions that will help you as you create your own résumé, please click on the image below.

If you would like a résumé critique, please contact Debra Wheatman at debra@careersdonewrite.com or visit us at http://careersdonewrite.com. The Résumé Help blog appears weekly on Mondays.


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