Conducting Company Research

Dear Deb:

Several articles have said that need to research a company prior to an interview.  I also would like to conduct general research to find companies that are expanding and hiring.  What is the best way to do the research without spending money?   Any tips?

Etienne, St. Paul, MN

Dear Etienne:

You must be reading my blog.  Research is so important. There are hundreds of useful website to help you research potential employers. Here are a few suggestions for efficient research. 

1.) Google

To find top employers in a city or region, use these search words:  “Largest employer Philadelphia PA”

To find employers in an industry, use these search words: “Electronics manufacturers PA Pennsylvania”

To find out about an employer, simply type in the company name and city: “Burns Electronics PA”

To find out the name of the HR Manager: “HR Manager Burns Electronics PA” 

2.) To research an industry, use this website to find lists of industry associations , websites, and publications, follow this link: Industry Portal

3.) is a great place to research a company. 

4.) Career Info Net is an online resource to locate information on thousands of employers. 

5.) is a comprehensive resource that includes information from actual employees.

If you have a question for Deb, please email The Ask Deb column appears every Friday on our blog at the Careers Done Write website.   


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