Résumé Help: Career Change Strategy
Anna is aiming to shift from an analyst role to that of a corporate diversity program director. She has attempted to make this change by copying and pasting the job posting content into her summary. She’s also skipped over the core of her actual professional experience and started with her role on a corporate diversity committee. Once again, she appears to have copied and pasted a canned description for that role. Her résumé is lacking her unique accomplishments.
First, I recommend that Anna restructure her résumé with these categories and in this order: Summary, Core Skills, Career Highlights (with five to seven bullet points of accomplishments), Work History (showing each company, job title, dates ,and a brief two-line overview of responsibilities), Education, and Language Skills. Using this structure, the top third of Anna’s résumé will focus on the skills and accomplishments most relevant to her target job. Also, her résumé will be in chronological order, which employers and recruiters prefer. She will need to show accomplishments rather than just job functions. By focusing and limiting the content, Anna’s transition to a new career will be easier.
Lastly, Anna needs to keep a sharper eye on the details. There were many inconsistencies in the punctuation and formatting. A second proofread would resolve that issue.
For more résumé tips, please read these blog entries:
Are You Ready for a Career Change?
One Part Achievement, One Part Creativity and Stir
To see additional résumé suggestions that will help you as you create your own résumé, please click on the image below.
If you would like a résumé critique, please contact Debra Wheatman at debra@careersdonewrite.com or visit us at http://careersdonewrite.com. The Résumé Help blog appears weekly on Mondays.