Résumé Help: A Quick Lesson on Education

Today’s candidate was educated in Mexico and is currently working in the United States.   His goal is to continue his career in the U.S.  However, his résumé has garnered few results.  No worries; we are here to help. Please take a look at the “before” and “after” education section of today’s candidate’s résumé.   Here is a simple lesson on the education section of a professional résumé.

Take a moment to confirm the correct title of your degree and spelling of your college.  Spell out your degree as it is written on your diploma or transcript.  If you don’t have your diploma handy, go to your college’s website to find the proper degree title. 

Formatting mishaps can make your resume look like a mixed bag of “stuff” all over the place.  When you use tabs or manual spacing on a document, it may look fine when you save it.  When you email it and the recipient opens it, there is a chance the content will be slightly jumbled.  If you look closely in today’s example, the lines are not straight and it looks sloppy. 

It is only appropriate to show the years, if you are a recent graduate.  The years explain why a candidate has little or no work experience.  On a more seasoned candidate, the years next to a degree could reveal a candidate’s age.  That is the case with today’s candidate.  Therefore we removed the dates.

With those changes, today’s candidate (and you too) will have a sharp-looking education section. If you follow these lessons, you will impress the reader with your education and your résumé writing prowess.   Do you want to read more about résumé writing? Check out these blog entries.

Résumé Help:  Don’t Bury the Lead

Résumé Help:  Accountant Lacking Details and Order

Résumé Help:  More to the Story



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