Personality Traits on a Résumé?
Dear Deb:
I want to add the results of my recent personality tests to my résumé because they were very positive and show my leadership ability. My top five indicators are: Activator, Positivity, Learner, Communication, and Winning Others Over. Where can I put this on my résumé? Would I create a special section with the test results?
Dear Elisa:
The results that you listed above are indicators or your personality characteristics based on the test. This is a tool for an employer to confirm if you will be a fit within the company and for a position. The results are not necessarily appropriate for a résumé for two reasons. First, the hiring manager may not believe in personality profiling or they may not like that particular test. Maybe in the past they had a bad experience with testing.
The main reason not to create a profile testing results section or refer to the test results is because it is not the best way to impress a hiring manager. By far, the best way to impress an employer is by showing your major accomplishments, including measured results. In other words, it's how you use your skills and knowledge to achieve results. Employers are interested in results. I bet you have examples of growing your client base, which is an outcome of your talent of “winning people over.” Rather than saying, you are an activator, show an example of a project that you initiated, planned, and managed.
There is a way you could work some of those characteristics into your résumé. Of the items listed, you might mention your positive attitude and communications skills in your profile. However, don’t mention the test.
Wishing you all the best!