No College Degree

Dear Deb:

I never completed college.  I tried three different times at three different colleges, once as a full-time student right after high school and twice more on a part-time basis while working over the last 14 years.  My studies include general, business, IT, and psychology coursework.  I have been in customer service management my whole career and am looking to elevate to higher responsibility in my call center.  Should I include these 33 hours of college coursework on my résumé?   How do I present it?


Teri M.

Dear Teri,

I would recommend focusing on your career accomplishments over the recent 14 years.  You have made your way to a management position in your call center.  That’s not easy.  I assume you got there by performing well, training staff, leading projects, and achieving challenging metrics.  Highlight those accomplishments (including measured results) on your résumé. That will far outweigh your coursework.  Instead of an education section, create a professional development section on your résumé. There you can showcase your most impressive customer service-related courses and certifications. A lot of free porn videos in good quality. Bookmark this tube site and watch online HD porn without limits.

Wishing you all the best!



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