New Year’s Resolution: How is it Going?

Several months ago you set goals for 2012.  How is it going? Maybe you have made great progress -- or like many of us, maybe you are discouraged because you have gotten off track.  With more than half of the year remaining, there is plenty of time to build your momentum for a strong finish!  So many times we make a resolution and by March, we have to think for a moment to remember what we resolved to do.  What about that better you?   What about those career goals?  Let’s resolve to recommit to our goals for the year!

1.) An Honest Evaluation

It sounds easy, but this is not usually the case.  Once I heard a medical expert report that if a patient says he is 5 to 10 pounds overweight, usually that patient is 15 or more pounds overweight.  When you ask that patient how many calories they consume, they may guess 2,000 calories.  When the patient begins to journal, they may be shocked to find they are consuming 2,800 calories.  Making a guess about our results or our actions is not appropriate if you want to meet your goal. 

This is true of a job search.  Journal your daily job search functions and track your results. Your activities can be quantified quite easily. How many networking calls did you make today? How many résumés did you submit? How many networking events did you attend?  How many were present at the event?  How many did you meet?  You can see how your journal can be valuable to determine if your behavior is supporting your goal.  Analysis of this journal can determine which activities are paying off and which may be a waste of your time.

2.) The Right Mindset

Your honest evaluation may reveal that you have gotten a bit off track. Perhaps you have fallen short.  This is when most people “throw in the towel.”  They may rationalize with self-talk, such as, my current job is not that bad…I have 4 more months of unemployment…nobody is hiring anyway.  Don’t fall into that trap!  Turn off those negative messages.  To combat that inner negative message, post a motivational quote on your bathroom mirror, post an inspirational card on your fridge, and add a screensaver with a positive message to your phone or laptop.   Surround yourself with positive people with similar goals and values. 

3.) Make it Happen!

You own the goal, you have a strategy, and you are motivated, so…make it happen!  It does not matter if the first 5 months of the year were not as productive as you had hoped.  Don’t let discouragement, guilt, or shame affect the future.  The first 5 months of the year are yesterday’s news!  The word for today is, YES!”  As in, yes, you can do this…yes, you are dedicated….yes, you are capable and empowered to make it happen.

For those of you who have “driven the bus to awesome town” and blew away your goals - bravo!  I challenge you to reach a little higher.  See how far you can climb.  For those of you taking the scenic route, get on track.   Write me and tell me about your goals for 2012.  How is it going?  What are your secrets to success?


How can I build a career without getting burnt out?


Résumé Help: Everything but the Kitchen Sink!