My boss tried to take credit for all my accomplishments

Dear Deb:

I have some really impressive accomplishments to put on my resume. However, my boss grabs credit for everything.  Every project, he is considered the co-manager - even though he just approves my decisions and I pretty much run it independently.  Also, I brought in a new client worth $120K/year for a new project.  It was someone in my engineering networking group.  My boss came with me to the pitch meeting and came back to the office and reported it with his numbers.  There is not a single big accomplishment that he does not piggy-back.  How do I handle that when I am updating my resume? 

Sincerely, Ben

Dear Ben:

First, I am sorry that you are not getting credit where credit is due.  That is a common reason why good people leave companies. Often management scratches their collective heads and wonders why this good person is leaving.

These are your accomplishments, so you can state them on your resume as yours.  Everyone realizes that as a project manager you are reporting upward and sometimes your boss will attend meetings with you.  Your numbers fold into your boss’ numbers.  So, stating your achievements is honest and appropriate, even though your boss may have been involved because they happen to be your manager. Go ahead and toot your own horn!

If you have a question for Deb, please email The Ask Deb column appears every Friday on our blog at the Careers Done Write website. 


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