Interviewing During Working Hours

Debra WheatmanDear Debra:

What is the best thing to tell your current boss when you have a job interview during working hours?

Thank you,


Dear Clarisse:

Honesty is my policy. However, I don’t believe in full disclosure of personal items in certain situations.   This is one of those situations.   If your company has a policy regarding personal time or paid time off in which you can take a half-day, take a half-day off. This gives you flexibility, so you don’t have to feel rushed at the interview.   When you take the time off, don’t specify. Simply say you are taking the half-day off for personal matters.

If you try to interview during the span of your lunch hour, you will be under pressure, and most likely an interview will take more than a typical lunch hour. Lying is never a good option. For most people, lying can cause a feeling of discomfort around the person to whom they lied.

Good luck in your interviews!



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