In Transition? Here Is What You Need to Know.

If you’re in the midst of a career transition, you know that it is a time that can be difficult to navigate. Changing careers, reentering the workforce, or switching industries can feel like an unwieldy undertaking. External challenges such as ageism, lack of direction, and outdated skills can make this process seem overwhelming. Although there are undoubtedly obstacles, a career transition is not an insurmountable endeavor. Here are some tips to help you on your journey to your new career:

Acknowledge what you cannot control. Ageism is real. It’s unfair, it doesn’t help any company’s competitive position, and it’s illegal to discriminate based on age. But the reality is that it exists. You will not make ageism go away, but there are things you can do to mitigate your experiences with it. Make sure you are up to date on the latest technology, focus on your experience and the value you can add to the company. Keep the discussion to your recent experience; don’t talk about what you did in the 1990s. 

Competencies are key. People often conflate competencies with skills when they are two separate things. A skill is something that can be executed to achieve a particular result. A competency is a combination of skills, knowledge, and behaviors critical to success. Lead with your competencies and focus on why and how you have succeeded, rather than merely running through a list of your accomplishments. Competencies are squishy and intangible. Think of someone who can take complex information and break it down into something simple and easy to understand. That is a competency that distinguishes someone because it is in short supply. Competencies are largely inherent; skills can be learned. 

Network. The importance of networking cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, many people only actively network when they need something, such as a job or new business. The truth of networking is that it is a two-way street, and you should be offering assistance to those in your network on an ongoing basis. You need to pay attention to what’s going on with your network so that you can nurture and cultivate it; otherwise, it may wither or become choked with weeds. Networking is the best way to find a new role, so be authentic, considerate, and ask for advice, not a job.

Upskill yourself. If your skills, technical and otherwise, are out of date, it’s going to be incumbent upon you to scale them up. If you are currently unemployed, you may be able to access training via your state’s department of labor. In addition, there is a wealth of online learning platforms that can help you freshen your skills, and many of them are free or low-cost. 

Seek out resources. Some resources can help you in your career change. Some universities and research organizations offer services for coaching and mentoring those in transition. These run the gamut from working with a career coach to attending free workshops on workforce reentry. 

Career transitions are complex and multilayered and often take more effort than expected. Periods of uncertainty can seem eternal, but they are temporary. Manage your expectations, be proactive, set reasonable, achievable goals, and get support for yourself in your journey. Remember, it’s never too late to start over.


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