How to get a promotion at your current company?

Q: I have been working in my current position for a little more than a year and was recently approached by my boss about an opportunity that would be a promotion for me. It is not solid – I have to interview and there are other candidates under consideration. How do I present my qualifications in the best possible light to obtain the new role? A: This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you are ready for the next step. It will take a bit of elbow grease on your part, but you should put together something of a business plan. Part of your plan should provide an overview of the key contributions you have made in your existing role complemented by the results of your efforts to show how you have added value. The second part of your plan should include how you will leverage your skills in the new role. Provide action items regarding the things you would immediately do to make an impact. If you have the benefit to review the job description associated with the new role, tie your ‘plan’ to the description to make relevant connections. Present your plan in a PowerPoint or similar presentation style. When interviewing for the new role give your presentation to the people conducting the evaluation and be prepared to substantiate your claims. Even though it’s internal, send a thank you note for the opportunity to present yourself as the best candidate. This exercise is about setting the bar and demonstrating that you are ‘the one’.

You are encouraged to comment on blog posts and/or submit questions to Debra. You can reach her on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Debra Wheatman, CPRW, CPCC is President of Careers Done Write, a premier career services provider focused on developing highly personalized career roadmaps for senior leaders and executives across all verticals and industries. Visit to learn more.


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