How conduct an East Coast job search from the West Coast?

Dear Deb:

I am located on the West Coast.  I reside in Bellevue, WA but work in CA during the week.  Due to family developments, I may need to move to the East Coast.  How can I represent on my LinkedIN profile that I am willing to relocate without raising a red flag for employers?  What is the best way to conduct an East Coast job search from the West Coast?   ~ D. Edwards

Dear D:

When you are creating your LinkedIn profile, you can reference your willingness to relocate in the headline underneath your name. I would also recommend including your short headline in the same spot. You can also discuss your reasons (briefly) in the summary section of the profile, including the fact that you will relocate at your own expense – especially if you are committed to relocating.

As part of your résumé and cover letter submission I would recommend including information regarding your desire to relocate. If you already know that you are making the move, indicate this in any correspondence with a hiring manager or recruiter. Equally important, you should let people know that you are available to interview with short notice.  Start leveraging your network in the area in which you are relocating, including making connections with some local headhunters so you can get a jump start on your search.

Best of Luck!

If you have a question for Deb, please email The Ask Deb column appears every Friday on our blog at the Careers Done Write website. 


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