Follow-up Protocol

Dear Deb:

How do I follow up with a company after an interview? I know it is proper etiquette, but I am not sure of the protocol. How long should I wait?   Is email or snail mail better?



Dear Richard:

Your instincts are correct.  It is proper etiquette to thank the interviewer for his time and consideration.  However, the follow-up letter has a greater purpose.  It shows your interest, your professionalism, and it allows you one more chance to show why you are an excellent match for the job opportunity.

A follow-up email or letter should be sent within 24 hours of an interview.  Email is perfectly acceptable. In your message, thank the interviewer. Mention something from your discussion that underscores how you can fill the hiring employer’s need.  Be specific. Create a smart follow-up strategy and you will have another chance to sell yourself and increase your odds of gaining a second interview.

All the best!



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