Follow-up after a Panel Interview

Dear Deb:

I completed a panel interview with three interviewers.  At the end of the interview, they did not tell me the next steps.  I did not feel comfortable asking about the next steps and how long before I would hear from someone.  I also did not get business cards.  I only wrote down the first names of the interviewers.  What should I do now?   It’s been two weeks.

Thank you,

Chyna P.

Dear Chyna:

Panel interviews can be intimidating.  However, don’t let the panel interview throw you off your game.  In other words, just because you are interviewed by a group of people, remember to follow standard interviewing strategies.   It’s great that you jotted down the names of the interviewers so you could call them by name during the interview.  Take it one step further and ask for business cards from each of the interviewers at the end of the interview.  This is expected behavior so there is no need to feel awkward about asking.  Secondly, before you leave always ask these questions:  “Is there any other information that I can provide to assist you in the selection process?”  “What are the next steps in the selection process?”   The above is great for your next interview.  You also have a chance to maximize this recent interview.   Contact the employer’s main phone number and ask the receptionist for the last names and emails of the interviewers. Maybe the receptionist will be able to identify at least one person for you.  You could also contact the person that scheduled the interview.  After you acquire a name, send a “thank you/follow-up” message.

Wishing you all the best!



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