Does your audience hate your content?

suit-2I’ve written previously that personal branding is an exercise in content marketing. Key to this effort is ensuring that your content is timely, relevant, and interesting to your audience. We all think that we do this well, yet more than 90% of all content--whether b2b, b2c, or b2p--gets ignored. There are a few reasons this might happen. One is that the average user is so overwhelmed with content, that she will only consume content that is of not passing, interest to her. Another is that the content does not resonate with the desired audience in terms of their values, and what they deem relevant.


“Content” is not a new concept. Think of something like the Michelin Guides, or Benjamin Franklin’s famous Poor Richard’s Almanac. What is new are the digital distribution channels now available to audiences, which makes the market space for compelling content even more competitive. In a crowded market, how do you make sure that your content is unique, and most importantly, how do you create content that your audience will embrace?


It must be about an idea. Content should not be about marketing yourself as a product, but rather about ideas. Good content tells a story and evokes emotions.


It should demonstrate value and worth. This does not necessarily mean that your content needs to have a monetary value to your audience--it’s not like you’re creating content alchemy! But your content absolutely must give your audience something of worth.


Question Marks Around Man Showing Confusion And UnsureContent should have a strategy behind it. Don’t churn out content just for the sake of putting something out there. “Strategy” comes from the Greek word strategia, and refers to moving forward toward a goal. It is important to understand that strategy is more than just a piece of corporate lingo--it’s a plan to get you the results you want.


It should be easy to consume. Use plain, clear language. Leave the flowery adjectives and corporate-speak for another time. Make certain your content is formatted in such a way that it’s simple to understand. Break ideas into individual paragraphs, use bulleted lists, and consider using infographics to convey your messages.


Have a predictable schedule. The stars of social media produce and distribute their content regularly. Having a predictable schedule is invaluable for building your audience, and creating a following.


The most important thing to remember is that you need to produce content that helps your audience in some way. If you do that regularly, your content will become indispensable to them, and that will help build your brand!


Inspiring Innovation


Inspiring Innovation