Ask Deb: Overseas Job Opportunity

Dear Deb:

I have an opportunity to go work in Europe for a former employer. How should I decide if I want to take this job opportunity?


Hi Mark:

Nice to hear from you. You should be making your decision based on interest in the opportunity, ability for development and growth, and overall opportunity for your career development. Of course, you will also need to determine if the salary is something you can live on. Moving abroad can be very expensive and depending on the city the cost of living can be high. On the plus side, you will likely get a tremendous experience, establish a more global understanding, cultural awareness and possibly get to travel around Europe a bit. As a young person with (probably) few commitments, working abroad right now is an opportunity that you might not get again. I recommend creating a list of what you perceive as the pros and the cons of taking the position. Make sure you have a full understanding from the company the expectations and future opportunities. That will likely help you with your decision making process. If you need further information, please email me at

Here's to your career success!



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