13 Reasons Why I Didn’t Consume Your Content

Are you looking for answers regarding why your intended audience is not reading your content? Here are “13 Reasons Why.”


It’s not optimized for search. You didn’t use keywords, and your UX is garbage. I couldn’t find your content.


Woman with mouth coveredYour content is all about you, your products, your services. I’m not interested in you. I’m interested in solving my problems, and I’m looking for content that can help me.


It was poorly written. I stopped reading when I saw the bad grammar and syntax. Who has time for that?


You used the wrong medium. I like to read my content, but you produce video. You don’t know me at all.


It isn’t valuable to me. Why are you targeting me? This has nothing to do with me. You don’t know your audience.


Question Marks Around Man Showing Confusion And UnsureYour content publishes infrequently. There is a set of content that I regularly consume. Your content is released at unpredictable intervals, so I don’t pay too much attention.


You didn’t bother to socialize it. I never saw your content because it was never shared to me or to something I follow.


The design is horrible. Its look, feel, and function is terrible. It’s clear you didn’t do much, if any, work on the UX.


It’s not mobile friendly. I couldn’t read it on my phone, or perhaps you gave me an Adobe Flash, which I could not run on my iPhone. Whatever the problem was, I abandoned your content immediately because it wasn’t worth the effort.


Too long. I like to consume my content in bite-sized chunks, either 30 seconds of video, or 500 written words. Yours was much too long to hold my attention.


It was difficult to navigate. Like most people, I scan my content. I wasn’t able to quickly find the information I needed.


Your headline sucks. It doesn’t intrigue me, or make me want to go any further.


It’s boring. There are enough boring meetings, emails, and articles that take up my day. My “voluntary” content has to be compelling and say something unique.


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