What is Your Biggest Weakness?

Debra WheatmanDear Deb:

How should I answer the interview question about describing my biggest weakness?

Thank you,


Dear Elliot:

I applaud you for preparing for one of the most common interview questions. Don’t avoid the question asking for your weakness by saying, "I don't have a weakness." That is disingenuous and shows a lack of personal insight. Instead, prepare an answer to this question. Choose a weakness that is sincere, but also something that is benign.   Furthermore, explain how you are dedicated to improving yourself, including this weakness. Be specific about what you are doing, such as taking an Excel course to improve those skills or joining Toastmasters to ensure that your presentation skills are sharp.

Some may advise you to show a weakness that is really is a strength to an employer, such as, “I am so dedicated to my work that I sometimes neglect personal obligations." This answer is cliché and glib. They can see right through what it is…a dodge. It is best to face this questions head-on.

All the best,



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