Résumé Help: Make the Most of Your Profile
I was in the movie theatre with a lively audience last weekend. As the coming attractions played, I could immediately tell which films the crowd loved and which ones would be soon forgotten. As the first preview played the crowd rode a wave of excitement. Then the second preview played…now I can’t remember the details…the crowd seems to sign a collective “meh.” Compare this to your résumé profile. If the reader’s reaction is “meh,” you are in trouble. The reader will not read beyond a mediocre profile. You will be forgotten.
Please don’t fill your profile with new adjectives you found on thesaurus.com. It’s not about creating long lines that really mean nothing. Most importantly, it is not wise to list skills and characteristics that are expected of any average employee. The profile is where you showcase your top values. Would you consider being alert a top value? Today’s candidate did. He also considered it of top importance that he “has a proven record of integrity and dependability.” So, by attaching “proven record of” to this, he tells us he was not caught cheating or stealing, and he has a good attendance record. This may get you time off for good behavior in prison, but on a job this behavior is expected.
He tells us of his interest. Who cares what your interest is! Employers care what specific value you offer. It is better to focus on what you offer not want you like or want. Another thing that is unimpressive and potentially harmful is his “willingness to continue learning and receive training.” As opposed to what? Wanting to sit and play backgammon all day? This is not something that will compel an employer to call you. It is expected that you will train to perform certain aspects of your job.
It feels like we ripped apart Oscar’s profile. We did. However, it needed an overhaul. Profiles should pack a big punch. They should share your top skills and accomplishments as they relate to your specific career goal. Remove all the fluff and baseline skills to make room for language that really sells you as a top candidate.