Resume Help - Insurance Software - Business Analyst - Manager

Today’s résumé help will focus on a candidate in the insurance space with strong technical skills and business analysis expertise. We will call her June.

June should be very marketable, but she has created a résumé that does not impress.  The visual appeal is very poor and the résumé is 6 pages long. This excessive length is neither necessary nor desireable. She has chosen an old style font that makes it look as though the résumé was typed on a manual typewriter.

June has neglected to brand herself with a headline or provide a strong list of core competencies that will explain her strengths at a glance.  She also has typos and multiple extra spaces throughout her résumé. 

This lack of attention to detail can cost her dearly as hiring managers and recruiters will believe her to be sloppy with poor attention to detail.  Infact, they may be correct. A résumé needs to be a reflection of your work, so it must be perfect.

June must step it up to get a senior level management role. It is not enough to spew out every single technical and functional skill she has. 

June’s best bet is to consolidate the information in what is known as a hybrid résumé format. This will allow June to provide compelling information about her management skills early in the résumé and highlight her achievements to paint a clear picture of her value.

She needs to reword things and get rid of the harsh tables in order to create a compelling document that will get results and lead to interviews. For additional comments about June’s résumé, click on the image below.

If you, or a senior level professional you know, would like résumé help, please email us for a free consultation.


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