Resume Help - HR Human Resources Professional

Today’s résumé critique focuses on the first part of a résumé created by a human resources professional who is actively looking for a new position.  As we always do, her name and personal information have been modified to protect her identity. This example goes to show that even recruiters and HR personnel need help at times when creating a top notch résumé.

Overall impression: Mediocre 

Ellen, as she will be called today, has done a few good things on her résumé. She has created an eye catching title line that tells the reader immediately what her strengths are.  For added visual appeal, I am recommending she avoid all capital letters here. One solution that will make the subject line stand out without appearing too strong, is to retype this in Upper-Lower case and then select ‘Small Caps’ within the font setting in Microsoft Word. 

The other positive thing Ellen has done is to list her core competencies. The list needs to be re-organized and centered differently for better aesthetic appeal, but it provides rich keywords and identifies key areas of strength.  Ellen also attempts to create a compelling summary statement, but here she gets lost along the way.  Her summary turns into an objective that is old school and best left off completely. I recommend Ellen reword the summary statement to reflect her capabilities in a more powerful way.

If you would like your résumé critiqued, please email me at


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