Résumé Help – Business Development & Sales Manager

We are going to discuss the résumé of a candidate in the staffing industry who is focused on business development and sales.  Diane has been at the same firm for nearly 10 years.  While she has done a lot during this time period, it is important that she present this information in a cohesive and easy to read format.

Unfortunately, Diane has created a document that is extremely difficult to review. It is almost as if she sat down and wrote out every single thing she has done without giving adequate thought to the order or presentation of the information. 

Diane has performed managerial, direct sales, and business development duties.  She may want to consider a hybrid functional résumé that separates these strengths into three separate categories. Alternately, she could put her responsibilities in a paragraph format with bulleted highlights below that.

Presently, Diane has a list with 19 consecutive bullets. It is unlikely that a hiring manager will read beyond the first 6 bullets.  For this reason, Diane will benefit by reworking her document, using bullets for quantifiable accomplishments only.  To see specific recommendations for Diane’s résumé that you can apply to improving your own résumé, click on the image below. 

Résumé Help appears weekly each Monday in the Careers Done Write blog. If you would like a critique of your résumé, please email debra@careersdonewrite.com for information.


Brand Yourself ‘New and Improved’ for Career Success


Business Development Résumé Ideas